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Sandile Ndabukelwayo


Regular price
R 1,900.00
Regular price
Sale price
R 1,900.00
Tax included.


99.6cm x 40.2cm




My work explores how the spaces we inhabit shape our lives, influencing both our physical and emotional well-being. By integrating traditional cultural elements and diverse mediums, I convey complex ideas about  my identity and environment.

Frequent relocations during my childhood have profoundly impacted my artistic practice, influencing my works,  incorporating fragments from  my past and reflecting  on how these changes have shaped my trajectory. This reflection leads me to question our relationships with both our surroundings and ourselves. Central to my work is the interplay between space and the body, using iconography to foster a universal dialogue that encourages viewers to consider how personal histories intersect with their environments.

A red linear element runs through my artwork to emphasise contrast and highlights the external influences that shape our experiences. This linear  element serves as a metaphor for the Zulu DNA embedded within me, even though I am Swati. It symbolizes how both identities coexist within me, prompting reflection on the deep connections between space and identity that transcend individual backgrounds.
