Learn printmaking from the printmaking experts and master printers at Artist Proof Studio. Our printmaking programmes are aimed at harnessing your creativity, challenging your potential and creative thinking through printmaking. You will learn how to effectively communicate your ideas and sharpen your creative thinking through the various printmaking techniques, drawing and conceptual studies.
Artist Proof Studio has been subsidising young artists from different communities for over 30 years. Through fundraising and partnerships we have built over the years, we make it possible for our students to realise and pursue their dream of becoming professional artists.
Learn more about our Printmaking Education Programme HERE
Acceptance into the printmaking programme is based primarily on talent and a willingness to learn.
The fees indicated below account to 50% of the actual annual fees costs for a student to study at APS. The Education Unit constantly seek scholarship funding through corporate and personal patronage to cover the other 50%. We subsidise all our students with materials and tools for them to produce work in the studio.